本作「The doors」は自らを被写体としており、自身が10代の頃から続けているドラムを使ったパフォーマンスによって制作されます。パフォーマンスには新たに考案されたカメラ装置が使用されており、山谷がドラムを叩くことによってドラムセットにつけられた振動センサーが反応してシャッターが切られます。ドラムを激しく長時間叩き続けることでトランス状態を誘発させ、意識と無意識が邂逅したポートレートが撮影され、同時にプリントアウトされた写真が会場を埋め尽くします。
Yamatani has chosen himself as the subject of "The doors”. The work will be produced during a performance of him playing drums, which he enjoys playing since his teens. A camera device has been newly invented for this performance, and it allows vibration sensors attached to the drums to react and release the shutter when Yamatani beats the drums. During the performances, a trance state will be induced in the player's mind by playing the drums fiercely for a long time, and therefore, the performance produces portraits where consciousness and unconsciousness meet. Those images will be printed out while him playing the drums and fill up the venue.
In the darkness, it is so intensive or even violent in a way that an infinite number of flashlights are emitted as shutters are released. The flashlights are akin to our eyes in this informational world where truths and lies are intertwined so that it is the approaches to hidden truths.